Endorsements are modifications made to an insurance policy. They can be used to tailor insurance coverage to better meet the specific needs of the policyholder and/or the insurer. There are many reasons why policyholders may seek to modify their insurance policy via endorsement(s). For example, if a policyholder wishes to increase or decrease a deductible, update property details, or add/remove additional coverages, this is known as an endorsement.

How it works

Endorsements can be a lengthy process with some insurers, and this was an issue we identified early on at Honeycomb prompting us to launch our Self-Serve Endorsement feature! Our unique Self-Serve endorsement capabilities empower agents to make endorsements themselves through our QueenBee platform. This differs from legacy insurers which require an agent or an insured to email or call the request to a customer service team. By removing this extra step, Honeycomb is allowing its customer service team to be more responsive and available to agents and customer needs. 

Some of the self-serve endorsements can be immediately processed and applied, while others require a review by our Customer Success and Underwriting Teams. If the endorsement requires additional review, you will be notified by email. Honeycomb is dedicated to the timely response of all referred endorsement requests. 

Submitting a new endorsement request 

If you need to submit a new endorsement, simply log into your QueenBee account and select the policy you wish to make the endorsement to. The section for endorsements can be found right under the main information section. When you click on “new endorsement request”, you will see a list of endorsements you can edit directly within the portal:


The endorsements that can be modified within our portal are:

  • Mailing Address  - applied immediately with rare exceptions 
  • TRIA Coverage - applied immediately
  • Additional Interest - depends on the circumstances
  • Optional Coverages - sent to review 
  • Property Coverage Limits - sent to review 
  • Deductibles - sent to review 
  • Building Properties - sent to review 
  • Parking Spaces / Detached Garage - sent to review 
  • General Liability Limits - sent to review 

Select the applicable endorsement category and edit according to the insured’s desires.

If, for example, you’ve noticed a mistake in the mailing address, this can easily be corrected by simply adding the correct address and the date you wish the endorsement to go into effect:


As you can see, this request does not affect the premium or insurability and doesn’t require additional underwriting. Therefore, it is applied immediately. Once you submit the endorsement, you can see the status here:


In the case of the insured wishing to amend the deductible, for example raising it from $2,500 to $10,000, this change has an impact on the premium; this will need to be approved by underwriting. If you submit an endorsement request that requires additional underwriting, such as changing the deductible, the endorsement cannot go into effect immediately and therefore will be marked as pending until reviewed. 



For TRIA coverage, we provide a premium change indication when submitting the endorsement request:


Once the endorsement request has been processed, we will send you a notification by email. You can also check the status of the request in QueenBee.