Discharge from sewer, drain or sump coverage refers to property losses stemming from a sump pump, drain, or sewer overflow or backup. These issues can arise due to various reasons, including aging infrastructure, tree root intrusion and blockages. When these issues occur, they can lead to sewer backups resulting in damage to the covered property. 

Discharge from sewer, drain or sump coverage can provide financial protection against the costly repairs and property damage that can occur from sewer, drain or sump backup, giving you additional peace of mind and coverage beyond the standard policies.

Is discharge from sewer, drain or sump covered by landlord and HOA/COA insurance?

Discharge from sewer, drain or sump coverage is typically not included in a standard property insurance policy. While standard policies usually cover damages caused by covered perils such as fire, vandalism, and windstorms, they often exclude coverage for specific issues related to the backup.

It is important for insureds to carefully review their insurance policy to understand what is covered and what is excluded. If backup of sewers and drains or sump coverage is not explicitly mentioned in the policy, it is likely that it is not included. In such cases, landlords should consider obtaining separate discharge from sewer, drain or sump (also known as backup of sewers and drains) insurance to protect themselves. 

What is the difference between water damage coverage and discharge from sewer, drain or sump coverage?

Coverage for water damage and backup of sewer, drain or sump coverage are two distinct types of coverages that provide protection for different types of incidents of water related damages. In short, water damage coverage applies to various water-related incidents such as burst pipes or a cracked drain line, while backup of sewers and drains coverage specifically addresses damage caused by water or sewage backups or overflows from your plumbing system.

Covering Backup Of Sewer And Drain with Honeycomb

At Honeycomb, we offer a backup of sewer, drain or sump via the following methods:

  1. Hexagon Property Broadening Endorsement - Underground Water And Backup Of Sewer And Drain - Limit: $25,000
  2. CP1038 1012 - Discharge From Sewer, Drain, Or Sump (Not Flood Related) - Limit up to $100,000

The Hexagon Property Coverage Enhancement also includes additional coverages such as Enhanced Ordinance or Law A/B/C, Employee Dishonesty and Computer Fraud and much more.

Tips for Preventing backup of sewer, drain or sump damage

To prevent backup of sewer, drain or sump damage, you can start by following a few key practices:

  • Regularly check sump pump to insure good working condition and operation as well as free from any obstruction
  • Avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper down the toilet to prevent clogs. This includes items like wet wipes, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels, which can cause blockages and damage the sewer line.
  • Be cautious when using a garbage disposal and avoid disposing of large quantities of food scraps, grease, or oil, as they can accumulate and lead to clogs. 
  • Regularly inspect your sewer lines for signs of damage, such as slow drains, foul odors, or sewage backups, and promptly address any issues by contacting a licensed and insured plumber. It is also crucial to avoid planting trees or shrubs with invasive root systems near sewer lines, as roots can penetrate and damage the pipes. 
  • Consider scheduling routine professional inspections and maintenance for your sewer lines to catch potential problems early on and prevent extensive damage.